It's not hard to chisel away at a block of stone a... ...t years training. A post shared by JAGO (@jago. artist ) on Jan 10, 2018 at 4:31am PST Jacopo Cardillo,... ...of the lucky ones, and at just 30 years old this Italian sculptor dreams of being the next Michelangelo- a... realistic artwork can be created by tricking... ...making sure every detail is perfect on each piece. Italian artist Emanuele Dascanio has chosen to go with the latte... loving kids have been known to chew a pack o... chew a pack of gum at a time, and if they have artistic inclinations they might turn that chewed up wad o... Art has gone from the side of the road to t... ...the walls of art galleries, and yet those outlaw artists who want to make a name for themselves still star... clever and surprising the inclusion the better. Italian artist Caiffa Cosimo, aka Cheone, does a great job of wo... assemblage works of Cristina Burns are guarant... seen enough cute skulls to last a lifetime!The Italian artist and photographer has a knack for combining cute a...