Inventing is a great way to leave your mark on the world, but in some unfortunate circumstances, inventions have been known to leave the mark of death on their inventors. A few years ago, we wrote a post about five inven... speaks for itself. Link -via Boing Boing a fire truck responded to an emergency call i... ...eel like I've heard that somewhere before.Oh, the irony ! Link (Photo: Drew Lazor) - via Reddit has a great list article with 10 ads you'd never see today. In it, you'll learn how the World Trade Centers could have been saved by asbestos, why you should wrap your children in cellophane and why docto... following is an article from Uncle Jo... .... The American Heritage Dictionary gave the word " irony " to its distinguished panel of experts (the ones...[youtube= ...tising their skills in ... video production! The irony