The movie John Carter, based on the series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs that date back to 1912, is scheduled to hit theaters this Friday. Geeks Are Sexy talked to director Andrew Stanton about the challenges of turni... more interesting. -via Arbroath what seems a bit like a modernist reenactment o... ...tephen Fry sat down with Lady Gaga for tea and an interview for FT Magazine. It's a weird pairing, no doubt,... you, like, have trouble getting a job? Maybe it... ...#8220;uh” and “like,” sex of an interviewee , and professional or student participants on hiri... ...r student participants on hiring decisions of job interviewees . Participants consisted of 105 students between t... ...ofessional, an... for a new job can be stressful enough with... ...for a new job can be stressful enough without the interviewer throwing a curveball that has nothing to do with... do with the position you are seeking. Many job interviews feature questions that are designed to see how fa..." http://www.gla... following is an Neatorama-exclusive interview with Matt Busch, the "Rock Star of Illustration"... ...t's actually super nice guy.) Here's a quickie interview with Matt Busch, as conducted by our very own Dav... scored an exclusive interview with Israeli film director Yael Hersonski about h... ...on a few clips, which we've interspersed with the interview below. For more info on the film, including dates... at NeatoBambino, we've got an interview /book giveaway goin' on. My lovely wife Tiffany interviewed Dallas Clayton, a Los Angeles-based children's bo... interview -with-dallas-clayton/, and heck adults too, should be encourage... book is given away free. Below is a little interview we conducted with Dallas based on his current boo... have a nice treat today! An interview with Lev Yilmaz, the man behind Tales of Mere Exi... ...cartoons, check out the vids below. Then read the interview for a chance to win an autographed copy his book...