When Nature's fury arrives in its swirling, wet majesty, it is our hero, Florida Man, who rises to the occasion. In this instance, though, there were no fewer than two Florida Men who braved the ravages of Hurricane Idal...
Florida Men Raft Down Flooded Road during Hurricane on Inflatable Duck...
Brilliant Invention: Suit Doubles as a Bed...
(Photos: Japan Trend Shop)Do you ever say to yourself, "I wish that I could just stay at work all of the time and never go home"? Surely you can use your time more productively than commuting or spending time with your f...
Inflatable Boat Dress...
In the event of a water landing, this dress can serve as a flotation device. Jacqueline Bradley's "Boat Dress" may be cumbersome on land, but could be a fashion lifesaver under the right circumstances.Link -via Althouse(...
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