The actors cast in superhero movie roles these days tend to have the biggest heads in the movie biz, that's not to say they have massive egos though that certainly applies in some cases, but overall they just have really...[] (YouTube link)Even with modern digital tools, restoring and coloring a faded, damaged old photograph is a time-consuming process, requiring skills you can't pick up overnight. But making the... ... will ... buy ... the ... latest ... Apple ... products ...Tom Beddard of subblue (previously on Neatorama) explains how to create your own Droste effect with a filter for After Effects and Photoshop CS4: Link... is a photographic composite series by Laurent Seroussi that combines women and bugs into disgusting insectoid hybrids worthy of a starring role in your worst nightmares.There's something elegant about these figu... New York Metropolitan Museum of Art is hosting... ...1840 and 1900, well before the advent of digital image manipulation via programs like Photoshop.They should have call... girls may look cute in the cartoons, with their big, bright eyes and pinched features, but translating them to real life makes them just plain creepy. If you see a girl that looks like this coming your way, eyes... Tony Karp took this photograph of... ...his post, he explains how advanced the process of image manipulation became over time, and shows some of the different..., the Russian Orthodox Church doesn'... ...nd big ballers, so they decided to manipulate the image above in order to remove the $30,000 watch from t... Victorian style portraits of Star Wars characters by Terry Fan lead one to believe that C3PO is powered by steam, and that droids actually enjoy wearing three piece suits. Everyone knows that these things are untru... out for these guys when you're out on the race track in your Kart, because they might puncture your tires with their sharp spikes and bad attitudes. Created by DeviantARTist Dragonfly929, they're the most punk rock...