~Illustrated by Joy and Noelle of Twins Are Weird ~ Someone with the Twitter name “Call_Me_...
no. 819 - @MistookMistake...
no. 790 - @lenadunham...
Magic skill: I can make even the cutest pair of... ...2012  ~Illustrated by Joy and Noelle of Twins Are Weird ~
no. 775 - @GuyEndoreKaiser...
 ~Illustrated by Joy and Noelle of Twins Are Weird ~ If you draw a bunch of X’s on the ground...
no. 766 - @kellyoxford...
The world won't change until there's a tampon commercial where the girls are all curled up on couches and angrily drinking wine. @kellyoxford...
no. 751 - @JimGaffigan...
  ~Illustrated by Joy and Noelle of Twins Are Weird ~ Hey people that sit on planes not reading, list...
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