People install a home security camera system to ma... ...rom a tablet or smartphone, so you can watch your house at all times.But this power to visually lord over... film burglars in the act stare blankly as your house burns down around them.(YouTube Link)The home fea... Velthuizen of Everson, Washington, used a bl... ...chore on Monday, he smelled smoke and called 911. Firefighters responded and were able to extinguish the fire . However, half of Velthuizen’s 120-year-old... ...d the other half is smoke-damaged. Whatcom County Fire... KMPH Fox 26)It was 3 AM. Robert Wright of... ...rk ribs. Then the apartment next to his caught on fire . Wright got his wife and children outside, safe f... ...e managed to get his wife and children out of the house , along with the ribs, while a woman and child who... adults and three children are now homeless a... ...s and three children are now homeless after their house burned down in Columbus, Ohio. The homeowner&rsqu... ...asing one down with a lighter and the couch catch fire ,” said Fred Horne, fire victim.That caused the... Crausewell of Dora, Alabama, found that som... ...d have tried a ladder, but instead they set it on fire . A small piece of paper drifted out to the yard a... ...and came down the bank and around the back of the house ," she said.Within seconds, Crausewell said the fire... pair of superheroes responded to a house fire in Milton, West Virginia, even before the firefighters arrived.Batman and Captain America, or John Buckl... ...d had to be resuscitated by Batman.Buckland was a firefighter before his career as the Caped Crusader. The cat... artist Heather Benning spent 18 month... ...For six years, people peered into the glass-from house on the side o fate road in Winnepeg. And now it i... ...ep it on display until it was no longer safe. The house was already visibly sagging at the time, and afte... ...on March 21.“Part of the... Christmas Eve, 1945, a fire broke out at the home of George and Jennie Sodder... ...e got out as well. The other five children in the house , Maurice, 14; Martha 12; Louis, 9; Jennie, 8; and... ...never seen again. In about 45 minutes, the wooden house was burned to the gro...