Got a child's birthday party coming up? Instructables member canida has the perfect recipe for an entertaining time. You'll need either a human head or a model of a human head as a mold. Wrap puff pastry over it, bake it... Insomnia Tulip made cake pops that look like the female lead characters from Carrie, Misery, The Exorcist, and The Blair Witch Project. Awesome! This one is, of course, Carrie. See the rest at Eat Your Heart Out 201... G4 Films Epictober Film Festival, Gregg Bishop t... ...ned the popular game Angry Birds into a horror flick worthy of Alfred Hitchcock. See the... Voorhees was a busy boy during the Friday the 13th movies, so it can be easy to get confused about who died in which manner. Thankfully, Andrew Barr and Mike Faille of the National Post put together an infograp... Link) Because you're freaking out over ordinary things. TV pranksters had a little girl in a nightgown stand in the middle of a hotel hallway. They placed hidden cameras nearby to test people's reactions.... Link) Michael S. Deak, a movie makeup... artist, has made several trailers for fake horror movies from the 1950s and 60s, such as Attack of... years ago, the horror movie New Terminal Hotel was filmed at the George... ...ealize that they were looking at leftovers from a horror movie set: Washington Police Chief J.R. Blyth... ...l they realized it had been set up that way for a horror movie.[...] "I had no i... you’re looking to ramp up for Halloween... ...looking to ramp up for Halloween by watching some horror flicks, you could go the typical route of Friday... ...spooky movie fest, why not go the extra mile?The films on this list are all so violent and so offensive... ...iewers, as they are from intentio...