Cats and Christmas are a great combination -especi... ...tties still seem to be pretty darn happy with the holidays .Even fake, unclimbale trees are enough to put a s... ...ed will all kinds of cute kitties celebrating the holidays ! can be polarizing, some people absolutely adore them and other people groan and complain about them. If you're a punny person though, you won't want to miss this list of 15 great pun-based product.The list is partic...'re in that one time of year that's just loaded... that one time of year that's just loaded with holidays -Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah,... ...ay drag. I don't know about you guys, but we wish holidays were more equally spread out throughout the year... ...rate sometimes. That's why... Link)If there's one thing anyone who has... ...g anyone who has ever worked in retail during the holidays can agree on, it's that they just can't handle li...'s somethig delightful about a beautiful Christmas tree, but not everyone has the space, time or money to commit to a traditional tree whether artificial or real. For those looking for something a little different t... more is there to say about this picture than hey, it's freaking adorable and perfectly seasonal. You can also buy a version of it on a card from Avanti Press if you want to send it to your loved ones. Via PetsLady... know these things are going to happen, but it&... ...webcomic Wrong Hands has charted and graphed the holidays for us. These timelines are not to scale. Thanksg... those of us who wait all year for the spookies... ...hose of us who wait all year for the spookiest of holidays , it's hard to believe that Halloween is finally a... Link)Labor Day is a great time to relax and appreciate your life outside of work, but it also can be a reminder of how much you hate your job -particularly if you can't do anything about it. If coming back to your... was Book Lover's Day and while we unfortunately missed it (in our defense, we were celebrating our tenth anniversary), other blogs didn't get distracted and had ample coverage of the event. One of the most fun art...