According to his Wikipedia entry, Jack Robichaux w... ...vered in 2015, making it the site’s longest hoax yet. The entry was an “orphan,” meani... ...doubt after seeing "Jack Robichaux" that it was a hoax . On August 27, 2015, at 4:11 p.m. the user flagge... ...p.m. the user flagged the post... story about a talking animal from 80 years ago is still intriguing today. You may dismiss it as hokum or maybe even mental illness, but the way it played out leaves us with more questions than answers even today. A fam... report from last Saturday has people laughing out loud across the country. You have to ask why the raccoon didn’t tear the guy up when he first caught him. Well, he probably did, but the guy was drunk, so that... read about Major William Martin, the soldier w... ...rdiff Giant.It’s called one of the greatest hoaxes in American history, and you can still see the Ca... he attempted to dig a well.If you love a good hoax , you can even plan a road trip around visiting th... 1899, a story appeared in McClure's magazine by Henry Tukeman. It told of the time he tracked and killed a mammoth in the Alaskan wilderness, and sold the hide, tusks, and bones to a man who donated them to the Smiths... this month, the 911 operator in the small... ...their ears or eyes?"It wasn’t a deliberate hoax , but it had the same effect. What many readers di... following is an article from Uncle John's Curi... ...t. There was no question about it: the find was a hoax . Arnold and Slack had planted the gems. As soon a... ...though the cause of death remains a mystery. THE HOAX EXPOSEDThe Great Diamond Hoax of 1872, as it came to... Credit: GaritzkoConspiracy theories can be very strange rabbit holes to wander down. While some theories may have some elements of truth to them, most of them are just that: theories. Ideas by single minds that som...[] (YouTube link)Aaron Paul (formerly of Breaking Bad) tells the story about that time he pranked his roommate Dave into thinking there was a meteor shower in the backyard. Just when you start...'s much easier to tell a story about a trip or a... ...trip. But the tallest tales are figured out to be hoaxes eventually. For example:Frederick Cook almost cer...