Alex recently shared the story of a light that was still going after 77 years, but if you think that's impressive, then behold the one above that's been going for 111. For more creations that have lasted amazingly lo... know that Cracked has a reputation of exagge... ...ymouth Rock, the most devastating plague in human history raced up the East Coast of America. Just two year... ...tarted the tape recorder on New England's written history , the plague wiped out about 96 percent of the Ind... can't fool all the people all of the time. But... ...earn how to fool a lot of people once. Kelly is a history professor at George Mason University, and in this... don't know about you guys, but I've always found the idea of wax seals being used to ensure privacy to be rather romantic. Unfortunately, as we are becoming increasingly technological, use of these types of antiquities... first is often called May Day for various reas... ...of the worst miscarriages of justice in American history . Many Americans were outraged at the verdicts,... you recall the campaign slogan, "Ma, Ma... ...ers or losers, these eleven campaign slogans from history following is an article from Uncle John's Lege... ...ult was on of the biggest witch hunts in American history . But according to It's A Conspiracy! by The Natio... ...s," writes Kenneth Davis in Don't Know Much About History . "To fight back was to be tarred with McCarthy's... ...cember 1954, McCarthy be... era surrounding World War II was such a ri... ...urrounding World War II was such a rich period of history that it's no wonder many facts simply slipped und... ...SAG is one which escaped the mainstream annals of history , due in part to the secretive nature of the opera... link) Ben Schmidt took data from ship's logs to make a visualization of ocean traffic between 1750 and 1850. It is not meant to be comprehensive, as logs from many nations are not represented, and traffic on th... will be the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Some people are just finding out that this was a real historical event, and not just a figment of James Cameron's fertile imagination. See...