Big LT is an amputee who has been living on disabi... ...ow Antiques Roadshow and realized he had a family heirloom that was like it. Watch him find out how much it... Kingston of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania will get married soon. When she does, she'll wear a precious dress that has been passed down in her family since 1895. She will be the 11th woman in the family to wear it, than... priceless china and state... ...stately grandfather clock! One family has got an heirloom that beat all others: a 135-year old pi... ..."You know, a lot of people talk about heirlooms , you know, jewelry and necklaces and... happens to all of your digital web accounts... ...d Banks, who works on a project called Technology Heirloom for Microsoft Research, created a device meant to... ...ject for a family, forming a new class of digital heirloom .Hit play or go to Link [Vimeo] | Technology Heirlooms... have not always been orange; originally they were purple and in the future, there may be rainbow colored carrots. Link - via uniqueunusualandinterestingart From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by KMOM14....