Breaking news! Stop the presses!Redditor velvet_jo... ...pped soul of Lord Voldemort, the villain from the Harry Potter Mews)But I mean that figuratively. You're a wizard when it comes to cleaning well. The Sorting Hat has spoken. Study hard and you could be head custodian in a couple decades.... don’t know, maybe it’s unfair to judge a man’s wand by the size of his broom. The analogy breaks down when you realize that all the students at a school for wizards will see your wand. In the real wor... of children learned to love reading when... ...rned to love reading when they were introduced to Harry Potter . They eagerly devoured each volume and then the m... ...vie came out. While schoolchildren still read the Harry Potter series and still learn to love the Hogwarts gang,... ...ill learn to lo... Heritage Auctions)It was on this humble th... J.K. Rowling sat while composing the first two Harry Potter novels. Rowling acquired the chair for free while... Link)Receiving rejection letters is par for the course when you're trying to become a published author, but if everyone who ever received a rejection letter gave up the world would be devoid of print media.The tri..., that's nice. But should you really be pushin... ...d. This is the fourth baby. They've long wanted a Harry Potter nursery and decided that this was the time. The r... 1978, James Potter graduated from Hogwarts and celebrated at a bar w... ...[] (YouTube link)This Harry Potter Link)When an actor really nails a role, mak... ...Radcliffe struggled with alcoholism while playing Harry Potter .I bet the booze made everything seem that much mo... people at the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry are wizards, but not everyone there works as a wizard. The Setup Wizard is an example. He's not even a wizard. He's a muggle, but he can work magic with the...