I try and avoid picking up turtles on the side of the road. Just in case they're in the middle of a race.— No Friends Nige (@koalaslament) May 9, 2012...
Tortoise and the Hare Race [no. 992 - @koalaslament]
Hares Can Get Pregnant while Pregnant
More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek intellectual... ...ctual Aristotle suspected that the European brown hare could get pregnant while already pregnant. Now s... ...lution ultrasonography to demonstrate that a male hare can fertilize a female during late pregnancy. The... ...e embryos move in. The result...
Tortoise vs. Hare
(vimeo link) It's Woodward the tortoise against... ...true. The tortoise keeps a steady pace while the hare barely shows up. -via Buzzfeed
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