Photo: Akbar Simonse/FlickrPhoto: Manuela/FlickrPh... ...rners/FlickrPhoto: JAM Project/FlickrDo you think graffiti is all letters you can't read and ugly, destructi... ...n... Graf is art, and graf writers love them some Halloween !
Even More Great Works Of Halloween Graffiti
Frightfully Good Halloween Graffiti
Photo:anarchosyn/FlickrPhoto: Sunfrog1/FlickrPhoto... ...1/FlickrPhoto: roujo/FlickrHere's a collection of Halloween themed graffiti murals which are sure to please both art lovers a... ...rals which are sure to please both art lovers and Halloweenies .These aerosol artists d...
Graffiti Mural Depicting Gruesome Trick-Or-Treaters
Photo: Randy Haaga/FlickrThis neat trick-or-treate... ...y Haaga/FlickrThis neat trick-or-treater inspired graffiti mural was spotted by Randy Haaga and son in Houst... ...the painting, and wishes he could join in on the Halloween fun!
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