At the tender age of 9, Nathan Beifuss of... ...rnia showed that his creation, aptly titled " Haiku by a Robot," fulfilled all of the requiremen...," fulfilled all of the requirements of a haiku , namely that it has a five-seven-five syllable st... submissions are in, and now it's time for you to vote on your favorite entry in the Message to Mars contest! There are 12,000 entries, which you can sort by current ranking, by search term, or randomly, and vote on t...'s MAVEN mission to Mars will carry a piece of... a message in the form of a three-line poem, or haiku . However, only three haikus will be selected. The deadline for all submission... ...U/LASP.Okay, Neatoramanauts, let's hear your best haiku to impress NASA. Link... What Is It? game ran a little longer than usua... ...the winners, Jared and Joe, in the contest post. Haiku Joe's entry was a poem. Actually, two poems in haiku form, which I thought were worth an extra post to... year ago, we told you about artist John Mors... ...told you about artist John Morse and his Roadside Haiku project in Atlanta. Now his talents have been com... ...stalled a collection of curbside signs written in haiku along with graphics designed by John Morse. The s... Just some dust [Flickr]I'm sure you've seen... ...create his own version, which he called Roadside Haiku :Using the brief format of traditional haiku —three lines of five/seven/five syllables... ...tions of 50 that each feature one of 10 different haiku (eight... what I hope will be an ongoing series, Samurai... ...Cerebrectomy has just posted a new "Godzilla Haiku ": Link - via The Zeray Gazette the zombie haiku post on Neatorama a while ago? Well, Ryan Mecum,... ...a a while ago? Well, Ryan Mecum, author of Zombie Haiku (the book) wrote to us about his project of writi... ...ok) wrote to us about his project of writing such haikus in the style of famous po... Lol-cat connoisseur, this pic is funny in so... ...vels!)Picking up where John left off with the cat haiku , here are some zombie haikus at ZombieRama:Playing fetch with Spotis dangerous...