Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from... ...premature age of 50, he specifically asked for a gravestone design in his will that honored that appreciatio... ...d is the only deceased person in the world with a gravestone featuring The Three Stooges.(Image credit: Susan... ...o;t help but laugh.&r... presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.(Image credit: Taph Madison)Death. The great equalizer.Life may be infinitely unfair, but in death, we'r... traditional headstone is a bit less wide than... ...e even draw tourists. A list at Atlas Obscura has gravestones that tell us a lot about the deceased, or very li... fiction, would have a dark, otherworldly gravestone . Two years after his death a sculpture entitled &... your descendants relatives visit your final resting place for generations, they will find it among the other graves by the mark of your waifu. In this case, it's a veritable harem of waifu forming the cast of Love L... Harband commissioned his own headstone ahead of time to be placed on his grave when he died. It was ready for him at Beth David Memorial Gardens in Hollywood, Florida. The inscription reads:My wife Eleanor Arthur... a look at this gravestone . It would certainly give you pause if you came ac... is the grave of Julia Nathalie Graham Forsythe. She rests in the Gillespie Evergreen Cemetery in Transylvania County, North Carolina. Three of the biggest events of her life occured on same day of the year--May 14--... gravestone for Leon and Sharon Gossett in Floral Hill Cemete... clothespin gravestone marked the grave of W. Jack Crowell, who owned... Leslie Neilsen was known for his fart jo... ...Leslie Neilsen was known for his fart jokes. His gravestone , installed at Evergreen Cemetery in Fort Lauderda... ...m/news/broward/fort-lauderdale/sfl-leslie-nielsen- gravestone -fort-lauderdale-pg,0,5624333.photogallery -via Sc...