You may have thought it was ketchup, but the bigge... ...t, mustard, is way down the list. Strangely, this graph found at Quartz raises more questions than it ans... ...Quartz raises more questions than it answers. The graph quantifies the condiments only in dollars; how do... Visualizations is a blog that archives charts... ...Visualizations is a blog that archives charts and graphs that make no sense. Oh yeah, they may be pretty,... values must be inferred in this graph article in the Indianapolis Star about intersta... ...te bridge heights and semitrailers has an unusual graphic . The "Average housecat shown for scale" appears t... More NotepadDo you still jot down notes on pa... ...aseball Basketball Tennis Ball Yellow Pad and Graph Paper This notepad makes a great gift for the cu... graph makes a lot of sense. You can spot the exact poin... ...pot the exact point in which puberty begins. This graph was created in a hurry by redditor rstarr13. The... all know celebrities are, to phrase it politely... ..., Zany to Dangerous, here is a "highly scientific graphical Chart Lab produced a huge chart that classifies the villains of Gotham City -and there have been a lot of them over the past 70 years! The picture here is just a small portion of the chart, which is for sale as a... folks at Engage used an analysis of Facebo... ...see who cares more about what. You can click the graphic Evolution of the Web is an interactive graphic that plots the timelines of various browsers, cod... ...s screenshot is just a small portion of the large graph . Link -via Simply Left Behind