Neatorama Posts Tagged "graffiti"
The (Mostly) True Story of Hobo Graffiti

[] (YouTube link)Hobos have been around since the railroad system made traveling across America possible. Itinerant workers rode the rails to where jobs were available, as best they could. The...
Sidewalk Graffiti

The Salem (Illinois) Police Department posted a courtesy alert for its citizens at Facebook. This message was written on one of our city sidewalks today with sidewalk chalk. As a courtesy, we want to keep our citizens i...
Obliterated Swastikas Make Berlin Better...

(Image credit: legacystorebln)Berlin street artist...  ...He paints over swastikas (hakenkreuz) to make the graffiti into animals, toys, dancers, flowers, and other i...  ...otivated by right-wing hate to transform neo-Nazi graffiti into playful images, effectively neutering a symb...
Cellograffiti by Ches...

(Image credit: Ches)Russian graffiti artist Evgeny Ches discovered other artists doing...  ...he mix of natural colors with its pure beauty and graffiti works looks amazing! (And of course I remove cell...
30 Years of Graffiti

The cultural center Doornroosje in Nijmege, Nether...  ...ijmege, Netherlands, has been the site of lots of graffiti and street art since it was built. Paul DeGraaf c... since it was built. Paul DeGraaf calls it a " graffiti hall of fame." He noticed a spot where the paint...
Perception: a Giant Anamorphic Art Across 50 Buildings...

We've posted about many anamorphic art on...  ...r calligraffiti, a combination of calligraphy and graffiti , as eL Seed puts it). The gigantic mural,...
Street Art and Graffiti Cats

Henry LipkisCats are inspirational- they've inspired many murals of all styles, sizes, and colors from diverse artists who have one thing in common: they know people love to see cats. Cats are showing up in public street...
Cleaning Up Ugly Graffiti

Graffiti tags are not exactly street art; they are more of...  ...tter? You can see more examples of the cleaned-up graffiti at Colossal. graffiti -to-make-it-legible/
Medieval Graffiti

The medieval history we study is mostly that of th...  ...oject was begun in England to seek out and record graffiti left on buildings that have survived for several...  ...counties are revealing similar levels of medieval graffiti . A survey of Norwich Cathedral recently found tha...  ...e 12th century. It has...

Blanksy is the most prolific street artist in the world. You’ve probably seen his work in your neighborhood! He’s worked out his own method of self-expression, yet must stay anonymous, because he’s a st...

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