Luna Lovegood SpectrespecsAttention muggles, wizar... ...k you are seeking. The Luna Lovegood Spectrespecs glasses pairs beautifully with the Luna Lovegood Spectres... know a lot of people have probably already tosse... ...people have probably already tossed their eclipse glasses and many people who haven't already decided to ke... ...nomers Without Borders will be collecting donated glasses to donate to kids in Asia and South America so th... ...e announced soon and in t... Specs4usUS)About 60% of people with Down S... ...was a problem. Her daughter, Erin, couldn't find glasses that fit her. So in 2004, she founded SPECS4US, a... ...04, she founded SPECS4US, a company that produces glasses for children and adults with Down Syndrome. The E... gives users fashionable... of the best inventions aren't high tech, but... of 10 of them, including these self-adjusting glasses .The system is called Child ViSion. A pair will fi... is sea/see/saw, a kinetic sculpture by Caitlind r.c. Brown and Wayne Garrett. The two artists from Calgary, Alberta used 14,000 lenses from discarded eyeglasses to make this massive, shimmering display at the front... Kabiru is an artist in Nairobi, Kenya. When... ...Kenya. When he was a child, he liked the look of glasses , but his father forbade him to get them. Now he r... Winged GogglesGet in touch with your inner N... ...oggles from the NeatoShop. This fantastic pair of glasses features faux leather wings. It is sure to make y... Eyes SunglassesHalloween is coming and it... from the NeatoShop. This spooktacular pair of glasses will make your friends green with envy. The M...[] (YouTube link)Anthony Cumia of the Opie and Anthony radio show has a kitten who wants what he wants when he wants it. And there's no saying no to a cute kitten! -via Daily Picks and Flicks...! Velma and Cyclops hate it too! We, ahem, see, what cosplayers Matt Rogers (aka Humble Shield) and Zoe did in this clever lil skit....