Nutella makes everything better -even booze. If yo... ...liqueur and Nutella lovers in your life. Homemade gifts like these are always a good option for those who... sure if your friend is talking about you behind your back? Well then perhaps he or she could use a great Seal of the United States with a bug in it, like, say the one the Soviet Union gave U.S. Ambassador Averell Har... may be comfortable, but they aren't exactly cool and least, until now. This TARDIS Snuggie could keep you warm while you enjoy a Doctor Who marathon at home or help you enjoy your role in the mo... doesn't want flowers for Father's Day. He wants something manly, like beer and food. What better way to give him beer and food on his special day than with a cupcake bouquet with cupcakes that include beer?There is o... starsspinningdizzy explains:For years, my dad put a pizza pan on his Christmas list, and I refused to get it because it was too boring of a gift. This year, I finally broke down and got him one. And I got it eng... items that are advertised a "the perfect... ...looks like you just forgot, giving some of these gifts would be like a slap in the face. Then again, it... you ever wished that Juliet would just disappear so you could have Romeo all for yourself? Well, you don't have to travel back into time just to influence Shakespeare to use your name, just go to U Star Novels, fork... already shared a Portal Christmas tree with you guys, but this Portal wrapping job is equally amazing. While this is a really cool way to wrap a present, it seems weird to buy two copies of the same game just to... once in a while, you think you've found the... ...up of the biggest, costliest, and most thoughtful gifts ever given. For example, General Sherman notified... ...s of cotton.” Read the stories of the other 14 gifts at mental_floss. Link wrapping paper company Gift Couture is trying to get off the ground with the help of KickStarter. Their first product? A six-sheet of collection of wrapping paper that will help you disguise your presents as...