Still looking for the perfect Halloween costume th... ...ell, if you’re looking for something nerdy, geeky or dorky, we’ve got you covered with this u... ...uo;ve got you covered with this ultimate guide to geeky Halloween costumes.Best Costume Based Around A Wh... into an undeniably cool St... matter how much effort you put into a costume, it goes south when you find you are one of ten Batmen at a party -or even worse, a costume contest. Geeks Are Sexy has some ideas for costumes taken from movies, games, a... Francis Storr [Flickr]Our pal Geeks Are Sex... Geeks Are Sexy blog has a nifty compilation of geeky tattoos. I particularly like the one Francis Stor... Dawn Endico [Flickr]I've got a serious case... ...late envy just looking at this neat collection of geeky license plates over at our pal Geeks Are Sexy: Li... picture shows what hydrogen atoms might look like if we could see them. The chart above shows the appearance of a single hydrogen atom in a few of its lowest excited states. In each of those states, the electron is... cakes that are so bad they're good, m... ...submitted by Diane B. Here are a few more geeky Wrecks: Cake submitted by Maggie... over at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories blog created this bra-ket bookends perfect for your quantum mechanics textbooks. Dirac would've been proud though Heisenberg would've warned about the uncertainty of having...