Mmmm...grilled leeks, grilled chicken breast, baked potatoes and boiled creme tarts, who could resist? Kotaku reader S Galinsky sent in this great Skyrim-inspired meal he made at home. It does look like it was pulled... Link) In case you needed help understanding the lyrics so you can appreciate the true geekiness, here's a short exerpt: You’ll be you’ll be my Superman, my Bruce Wayne. You’re Peter Parker without his Mar... Jason Lee is just like any other proud papa -he wants to capture his girl's childhood in photos. Unlike most dads though, he's not just content with a few snapshots (although his site has plenty of those too... you're having trouble getting around on your own these days, why not take a tip from Star Wars and get this sweet AT-AT styled walker? It will make you the geekiest resident at the senior center, and a big hit... you read enough of the signs at any sizable demonstration, you'll eventually run across one with an obscure cultural reference or an internet meme. Whether you agree with the politics behind them or not, those signs a... know many of our readers view graffiti as just t... ...e something you personally enjoy like these great geeky graffiti pieces? Star Wars: Sure, Imperial Walker... ...Image via sabeth718 [Flickr] There are tons more geeky graffiti examples out there, these are just some... ...n the comments, or just descri... might not be real dresses, but as a geek gal, I sure wish some ambitious fashion designer would make these adorable drawings by illustrator Robin Kaplan into a reality. In the meanwhile, I guess we'll have to ap... Karpiuks' wanted to make their nine month-old little baby his very own Millennium Falcon and dressed up his pup companion to play the role of Chewbacca. They have photos of the full process over on their Flickr p... may be over, but it's never too late to... ...r, but it's never too late to appreciate adorably geeky Easter eggs like these. I don't know about you gu... can't be said that they lack chemistry, tha... ...hat's for sure. While we've featured plenty of geeky weddings, I think this might be the first one bas...