Neatorama Posts Tagged "gears"
Steampunk Prosthetic Leg...

[] (YouTube link)Snell&...  .... Chris recently made this steampunk leg that has gears controlled by a microprocessor and powered by mov...  ...e illusion that a presumably steam-powered set of gears is moving the leg! He also posted a gallery of so...
Ken Condal’s Orrery...

[] (YouTube link)Design...  ...plans that inspired me. Having never worked with gears , I believed that designing my own was far beyond...
Insect Has Mechanical Gears in Its Legs

The common insect called the planthopper (Issus co...  ...esh together, ensuring that the legs move in sync. Gears allow two machines to rotate together in opposite...  ...ed one tendon, both legs would extend because the gears transmitted the motion of one trochanter into the...  ...really lucky because we saw...
Manliest Shaving Stand is Made of Welded Gears

Let's shave old school. No, no, not the Bowie...  ...ear, so he asked a friend to weld together spider gears and worm gears from his Toyota 4Runner. Link -via Make
A Möbius Gear...

Wait -- a toothed gear that has only one side?...  ...oils down to an oddly configured set of planetary gears . One can think of the black portion in the image...  ...k approximately 86 hrs. to finish. The “spur” gears were molded in silicone rubber using a two-part m...  ...rotating the middle ring without...
Impossible Gears

(Video Link) In the above video, Clayton Boye...  ...above video, Clayton Boyer shows how oddly-shaped gears can function smoothly. Okay, the square gears shouldn't be a surprise. But then he moves on to...
Scientists Design Self-Assembling Nanogears...

Creating nanomachines can be unprofitable beca...  ...make machines assemble themselves: To make the gears , a thin copper sheet is laid over a heat-expanded...  ..., larger teeth, while a more supple metal creates gears with smaller, more numerous teeth. The team h...  ...m has already made a number of d...
NeatoShop Products Tagged "gears"
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