Artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster have taken piles of trash and turned them into interesting abstract artworks depicting people or animals. The piece above is called White Trash (With Gulls), it is comprised of six m... home of John R. Mallgren of Mastic Beach, New... ...ds of debris from the property, which required 10 garbage trucks! The city is sending the $8,742 bill to th... DustCart, a real-life Wall-E, created by Ital... ...ith small and windy streets inaccessible to large garbage trucks:Like a taxi answering a call, DustCart rod... ...mber that both identifies the user and tracks the garbage . It also asked for the kind of trash being dumped... Eddie House of San Carlos, California... ...ousehold waste to the point that he cancelled his garbage pickup service last year. His reward is a lawsuit... ...a permanent injunction forcing House to maintain garbage service. City officials are also seeking to recou... ...of complaints from neighbor...