Blogger MaDonna Flowers made these fantastic k... ...gger MaDonna Flowers made these fantastic knitted Game Boy gloves just in time for winter. I can't knit, but... those of us who owned the original 1989 Ni... ...those of us who owned the original 1989 Nintendo Game Boy nothing is more exciting and nostalgic then playi... ...then playing some of those green and yellow video game classics of our youth. GameBoyOnline .com claims to h... about 8-bitboxing: Sebastian Bender created t... ...ian Bender created this clever music video called Game Boy Music, by "playing" various parts of th... French graphic design duo Zim & Zou made a... ...Zim & Zou made a papercraft version of a Nintendo Game Boy . It even has an insertable game cartridge. At the link, you can view more pictur... ...iew more pictures, as well as a papercraft Tetris game . http://www.beh...