Fibbex, a member of the BitFixGaming boards, made... ...guitar that looks just like a scaled up Nintendo Game Boy . It's completely functional in both modes, releas... ...ive sounds and offering playable classic Nintendo games . []...'ve seen magnets that make a refigerator look li... ...seen magnets that make a refigerator look like a Game Boy . But Daniel d'Entremont, who goes by the name Mod... ...tional, scaled-up replica of the classic Nintendo Game Boy . He added a PC monitor to the door and large wood... ...emulator installed, he...'t the appeal of the Nintendo Game Boy that it's small and easily portable? That market... ...That market must have changed. If you want a huge Game Boy , then check out Freezer Boy 's line of Game Boy appliance magnets. They'll give any...[] (YouTube link)Lee Hardcastle put his claymation skills to work in a live-action short in which he (as Mario) goes up against Ash (played by James Wall) and Pikachu, too! Oh yeah, and since t... love this clever stencil work by an artist unkno... ...of several in that city inscribed with the words " Game Girl."-via it8bit | Photo: Kevin Vetters following article is republished from Uncle Jo... ...eard of Gunpei Yokoi, but if you've ever played a Game Boy , a Color Game Boy , Donkey Kong, or just about any other Nintendo pr... cards that it had decided to create an entire games division. Yamauchi transferre... MaboroshiTira Deviantartis... ...a Deviantartist MaboroshiTira really likes Game Boys . So much so that she built a giant cardboard one,... turn. If you could play with a giant (working) Game Boy , what game Sparrow of Felt So Good has some absolutely d... ...o vintage gaming systems. The only way this plush Game Boy LEGO, Transformers, and Game Boy , and you've got a toy geek's dream creation. Juli... ...LEGO bricks that changes from a classic Nintendo Game Boy to a robot! Domaster's blaster weapons are double... ...ird named Tetrawing that transforms into a Tetris game cart... the buttons on your mobile devices too sma... too small to use? Just wait until you try this Game Boy ! YouTube user Soukitti carved it out of a toothpi...