Sure $565 is a little high for a children's bookshelf, but when it means getting your little geek to appreciate reading and Star Wars at the same time isn't that a small price to pay? Of course, the real reason for the r... a cool seat to match your gummi bear chandeli... ...chandelier, giant cupcake chair or other awesome furniture from Jellio? Don't worry, their newest addition,... you live to fly--or just want to be able to eje... ...eject from your office quickly--then Motoart has furniture for you. This studio of master craftsmen makes fi... ...r you. This studio of master craftsmen makes fine furniture've previously seen artists turn children's drawings of toys and stuffed animals into the real things. Kingston University (UK) students Jack Beveridge and Joshua Lake followed in this theme by asking young children to... Freire's designs for the Brazilian furniture brand Oficina Polvo are inspired by the forms of... Florestan Korp Forget graffi... ...ack into functional civic infrastructure with ... furniture ! Joseph Flaherty of Wired wrote:... Tetris bookshelf was created by Craftster johloh. While they aren't painted yet, they look great already. Of course, you have to watch how you stack them or a few levels of shelving and all of your things will start... modified for somewhat taller than average people.... you pay a pretty penny for an antique Winds... ...from people, or he’ll find an old piece of furniture , like another chair. And he can use the wood, nai... Hardware makes a beautiful line of hom... ...storation Hardware makes a beautiful line of home furniture that resembles old steamer trunks. Those classic...