~Original illustration by: @Pants~ If girls REALLY wanted nice guys, they’d look for them at Star Wars conventions instead of bars. bit.ly/LH7IVt @smethanie— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) July 1, 2012...
https://www.neatorama.com/twaggies/2012/07/01/star-wars-tweets-2/Hey, @MTV.You should probably drop the ‘M’ now. bit.ly/LKSbtV @Schmoodles— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) June 30, 2012...
https://www.neatorama.com/twaggies/2012/06/29/mtv-cartoon/ ~Illustrated by Joy and Noelle of Twins Are Weird~ Someone with the Twitter name “Call_Me_Back†started following me on Twitter today. Nice try, Mom. bit.ly/NwG1Qg@MistookMistake— Team...
https://www.neatorama.com/twaggies/2012/06/26/twitter-moms/~Original illustration by: @Pants~ I envy how comfortable Waldo always seems in large crowds.bit.ly/OdeVCx @morgan_murphy— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) June 25, 2012...
https://www.neatorama.com/twaggies/2012/06/24/wheres-waldo-cartoo/~Original illustration by: @Pants~ I’ve got a case of the Mondays. I buy them in bulk at Sam’s Club. bit.ly/MIrbsr @StephenAtHome— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) June 22, 2012...
https://www.neatorama.com/twaggies/2012/06/21/no-815-stephenathome/If I had a super power, it would be that hotel check-out times wouldn’t apply to me. bit.ly/MzzdQA @meganganz— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) June 21, 2012...
https://www.neatorama.com/twaggies/2012/06/14/no-806-yoyoha/Do butterflies ever get tattoos of 18 year old college girls? @mscharleesheen...