Man, it must really suck to be the little Desert r... suck to be the little Desert rain frog in this video by Dean Boshoff, because the ornery little critte... voice actors are so good their mimicry abilit... ...ood their mimicry abilities can fool anyone, even animals .Rudi Rok is one of these incredibly gifted voice... ...ations he drives those poor poochies wild in this video by Jose Ahonen.(YouTube Link)It seems dogs who he...'ve all seen dogs who are really good skaters, b... ...kills for the sake of human amusement.But in this video Boomer the Bengal finally relents and shows off h... ...d around all day long!-Via Laughing SquidSee more videos of Boomer and his sister Didga.'s rare to come across a dog who actually likes to take a bath, and even rarer to find a dog who doesn't immediately run outside and roll in the dirt after getting clean.But Brady the golden retriever is such a clean f... Link)In every pack there are alpha leaders... ...Beja, the “non-swimming” dog in this video , is an alpha or an omega?(YouTube Link)Beja is a... dogs don't watch videos on their human's laptop because they can't rememb... ...rap, so they'll use their human's laptop to watch videos for hours on end, never bothering to delete the b... are like all cats in that they need to squeeze in eighteen plus hours a day of beauty sleep, and they really don't like to be disturbed while they're catching some z's.But unlike most other cats a tiger will launc... feline pet population has it way too easy- the... ...why all the working dogs are so jealous.But this video by Sho Ko seems to indicate that our cats are act... the fox not only has a cool name for a fox, he also has the coolest and most hilarious laugh I've ever heard come out of a fox's maw.And every time his human starts cracking up Archer literally hits the floor laug... is Cody, isn't that a cute name for a scruffy... ...a scruffy little dog?Cody is a seemingly ordinary animal when he's running around playing with his fellow...