Funeral directors and their employees are compassionate a... ...lay pranks on each other. They've all had a weird funeral request they'll never forget. And they have their... ...s, just like everyone else. Read the secrets some funeral home McKenzie owns a funeral home , and along with Todd Hara, wrote a book about his... ...takers Lift the Lid. Salon has an excerpt about a funeral that did not go as planned. Although it wasn&rsqu... story at Salon. I’ve been to a few rowdy funerals , but so far,... in case you want to carry that funeral home scent around with you all day, there's a cologne... ...carnations, but even so it would remind one of a funeral home . That's just one of the The 16 Strangest Perfumes... to pay your respect to the dearly departed, b... ...a big hurry? That's not a problem in this Compton Funeral Home : it has a drive-thru viewing of the dead.Visitors... unnamed man broke into a funeral parlor in Vienna, Austria, found a bottle of wine... in a Chicago suburb is a funeral home with a 9-hole mini golf course in the basement! F... ...Acres, a community room hidden underneath Ahlgrim Funeral Home and took quite a few pictures of the infamous gol...