You want a burger and fries? The Vulgar Chef can m... of cheese, then wrap the whole thing in cooked French fries. Place the assembly in a deep fryer . The result is this divine concoction that needs..., it's no fluffy down pillow, but a... ...p with his face planted in a plate of french fries and ketchup. Workers said Cook bee... ya7oby via The C... McDonald's Frency fries and... ...perfect, consistent, McDonald's-style fry is in the advance preparation. The cut potatoes n... french fries be objects of art? That's debatable, but th... ...ere's what happened when a gallery lost a pair of french fries that "were the basis of an a... french fry ? You ain't tasted nothin' yet! Research chefs hav... ...atment at 40 kilohertz causes the surface of each fry to crack and blister with myriad tiny... ...uff up. In just a few minutes of deep frying , the *strong cl... Kenji Lopez-Alt of The Food Lab (over... ...ered to be world's most perfect fries: McDonald's french fries. Now, you may disagree that the word... ..." - but there's something in their french fries that makes Americans go nuts. I personally... ...rd is it to reverse engineer McDonald'...