Robert McKevitt of Spirit Lake, Iowa, worked at a... ...evitt walked away and commandeered an 8,000-pound forklift , according to state unemployment compensation rec... ...e said he never dropped the machine, but used the forklift to set it back in place after rocking it. He said...[] (YouTube Link)... ...k that was impressive, watch what he did next ... Forklifts don't come to mind when most people think about p... link) Putting a coin in a bottle is so... so much more impressive when you do it with a forklift Faulkner of Ross Township, Pennsylvania was a... tired of carrying a case of beer, so he took a forklift from a construction site. He drove about a mile t... ...That’s when he tried to make his getaway in a forklift . Ross Township police caught him. “Apparentl... ...Apparently he was tired... in Forth Worth, Texas, chased a shirtless m... ...h, Texas, chased a shirtless man driving a stolen forklift through city streets. The forklift had been taken from a construction site. A witne... ...ped for gas on University Drive when they saw the forklift go by....