Cheese, glorious cheese! And the pepperoni grease that slides off the slices and coats the glorious cheese! And all the tasty toppings like pineapples, peppers, mushrooms and mackerel and more!And the crust, the crispy c... Lukas is a journalist in New York City who ob... project dubbed Gromm It, he places them inside food and photographs the results. The grommets become... ...rommets become portals to the interiors of common foods , creating a striking visual appeal. My favorite p... Sam Kaplan painstakingly creates thes... ...and check out Kaplan's website for more amazing food photos and other fine works. is currently being consumed in a milksha... ...tion. It's 1 of 3 preposterous milkshakes made by food photographer Alana Dimou. She warns us:Here are t... can get a nice meal at a bistro for an easy $4... ...e pictures of your meals with the world, you need Foodography . These are two plates designed to be sets for the... holy pizza, which is both fully divine and ful... ...ologne, Germany, reveals to us the beauty of fast food of otherwise dubious nutritional value. Working u... ...of photographs which show people posing with fast food Agustín Nieto)Let Anna Keville Joy... ...nal trip. We've previously seen her depictions of food birds. Now she's showing us four capitals of East... of Eastern European nations. She made them for Foodie Backpacker, a blogger who is traveling the world... ...who is traveling the world to... Voges, a photographer with the ad agency... ...he National Restaurant Association’s annual food show. They paired humans (left) with donuts (righ... Keville Joyce is a food stylist and photographer. It's an art form that I... ...ese. With carefully sliced, chopped, and arranged foods , she's made birds that look both realistic and ta... ...ou can view more works in her portfolio here.-via Foodiggity're all used to seeing pizzas, but generally onl... ...symbol of happiness." I couldn't agree more. -via Foodiggity