Instagram user @g0nghua is a food artist who creates conceptual and inventive products at... ...tes conceptual and inventive products at Who Eats Art . Her recent work includes experiments with tea eg... ...k includes experiments with tea eggs, which are a food originating in... Piggott is a master baker in North Salt Lake, Utah who specializes in sourdough bread loves painted with vivid images from life and popular culture. I take it this loaf comes from a scene in which Bluey and Bingo... Wyburn is a British artist noted for his portraits of celebrities using food products. To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary o... ...h buttered noodles because that's Paul's favorite food .-via Dave Barry buns fluffing up byu/VariousBasket125 inoddl... ...egetable and fruit juices and powders, as well as food coloring in pens and squid ink powder to create a... always seems like a shame to throw out avocado... ..."stones" into scary monster faces.Jan is an Irish artisan with a healthy love of Celtic mythology, so she d... excuse to eat more avocados!See more from This Artist annual Lambeth Country Show took place a coupl... ...getable Figures competition, in which people make art out of their garden produce. Many of the displays... are too many gruff, cold and closeminded dad... with sunflower oil for breakfast due to severe food allergies- so he found a way to make a bland brea... fun.He started using slices of toast to make food sculptures, and what started out as simple toasty... ...started out as simple toasty sh... artist from Lithuania. She makes many edible anamorphic... ...ou can see more examples of Vaitkute's anamorphic food art at Fubiz.このあいだ取材したスター・ウオー... ...eOlQ— 吉村智樹 (@tomokiy) June 9, 2016 Food artist Okitsugu Kado creates Star Wars sculptures to add... link) Hungarian artist Mézesmanna is an master with royal icing a...