British student Liam Smyth has a first date story... ...tion when she went #2 at his home and it wouldn't flush down. She retrieved the contents of the bowl and...
First Date Involves Human Poo and Firefighters...
Synchronized Flushing of One Million Toilets Planned in Zimbabwe
Severe drought conditions in Zimbabwe have caused... ...has adopted an interesting strategy: synchronized flushing .Bulawayo City Council has asked its more than 1 m... has asked its more than 1 million residents to flush their toilets simultaneously at 7:30 p.m. when wa... are restored. City offi...
The Long, Unglamorous History of the Toilet...
The toilet is one of those things we take for gran... ...pean thing.) Cultures as far back as 3000 BC were flushing away their problems—so who you callin' primitiv... None of these systems were anything like the flush
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