The iPhone 5s can identify a user by scanning a fingerprint. For those of us who have seen the eyeball scene in the movie Demolition Man, there is a clear problem with this innovation. But if you haven't, Pablo Stanley p... literature moves you? You can have an enormous thumbprint image of the works that speak to you. Cheryl Sorg, an artist in Boston, cuts up the covers and lines of great works of literature that appeal to individual r... Lin Rong re-entered Japan even though... she was arrested on other charges, because her fingerprints were different. Lin had undergone surgery to have... ...erent. Lin had undergone surgery to have her left fingerprints moved to her right hand, and vice versa! Local m... ...rts said Ms Lin... Valdez of Tampa, Florida had a check written to him from his wife. He took a check to her bank to cash it. Bank of America requires a thumbprint to cash a check from anyone who does not hold an account there. The p...