In another example of things you never thought about before, we look at the importance of lateral movement in film. We feel more natural when the action moves from left to right on the screen instead of the converse, eve... you recall sitting in a movie theater, really getting into the action on the screen, and then you hear a song. A song you like, maybe, but it was a bit jarring because it had absolutely nothing to do with the movie. T... we often think of Star Wars as George Lucas’ baby, it took a whole lot of different people with money, power, and/or talent to get that first movie to the silver screen in 1977. Almost forty years on, many of... far back as 120 years ago, filmed advertisements entered movie theaters -because theaters needed all the film they could get. In the early 20th century, “trailers” were tagged into the ends of serials to p... following is an article from the book Uncle John’s Perpetually Pleasing Bathroom Reader.When directors finish a movie and hate it (because the studio interfered or they’re embarrassed by it), they don&rsq... a big budget feature film is never an easy job, but some shoots are worse than others. And none of those involved really know whether the finished product will be worth it until months later when it’s ready...[] (YouTube link)The 2013 Superman movie Man of Steel was in color, alright, but it was muted and dark, trying to emulate the look of The Dark Knight. But what works for Batman doesn’t n... movie magic seems way more magical when you don't know all the behind-the-scenes secrets, but with all the DVD extras and leaked footage floating around that magic is starting to lose its sparkle.And yet, even... Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences is presenting a series of videos called Academy Originals with some Hollywood stories.[] (YouTube link)In this video, Special Effects Supervisor...[] (YouTube link)The character Indiana Jones was first introduced to us as he was looting a sacred cave and ends up having to run for his life. That told us the basics about the character in a...