There’s a definite appeal to being a sperm d... ...ihood of a donor actually having a sample used in fertility treatment is low. Only 3.8% of donor applicants w... 4000-year-old Assyrian clay tablet found at an archeological dig in Turkey has been translated as a marriage contract. Some terms are spelled out quite explicitly, particularly what would happen if the wife doesn't pro... upon a time, babies just came with marriage,... ...t all). Women do have to deal with the biological fertility window, but that window isn't as small as some wo... TBIT)Does your semen contain a sufficientl... ...sis. The system is as effective as what's used in fertility clinics:Kobori says the system works as well as t... ...the system works as well as the software used in fertility clinics. In a test, the team ran 50 semen samples... Lina Smith)The ravages of cancer treatment... ...treatment that's being called "the holy grail of fertility treatments." It offers new hope to prepubescent g... artificial insemination was attempted as early as 1855, when J. Marion Sims tried it out on slaves without their consent. Of the six women involved, only one got pregnant, and she miscarried. Then in 1884, P... of us recall looking through the Guinness Book of World Records and seeing the entry for the mother with the most children. When I had the paperback version (yes, it’s a real book, and once upon a time many pe... Ian Robertson)Human sperm cells need to be... ...ature on scrotal temperature, spermatogenesis and fertility , the hypothesis that men who regularly wear a kil... ...ficantly better rates of sperm quality and higher fertility .-via Seriously, Science? Peter Mooney)Previous studies indicate tha... ...those who were better runners also had increased fertility .“The observation that endurance running abi... was almost 40 when my youngest child was born. B... ...ght side. In 2008, Brad Van Voorhis, head of the fertility clinic at the University of Iowa, decided he want... findings. In research published in the journal Fertility and Sterility in 2007, Richard Paulson, head of t... ...d Sterility in 2007,...