by Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Improbable Research Sta... ...kes was the appropriate behavior, and his lack of fear allowed him to perform optimally.” Lead auth... few years ago we linked to the sad story of Litt... test subject in John B. Watson's experiment on fear . He conditioned the child to be afraid of rats, a... ...He conditioned the child to be afraid of rats, a fear which generalized to all furry animals. At the ti... what happened to Little Alb... has a pretty nifty quiz to test your kn... ...ike arachibutyrophobia weird (that's the specific fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mo... ...g to the roof of one's mouth).Unless you've got a fear of taking a quiz, try this: Link | Or watch the v... ...did you do? I got 7 out of 10 -... have discovered something quite curious... ...plendid fairy-wrens attract their mates: they use fear as a flirtation device!Using a horror film to bri... ...s a call to potential mates -- a flirtation using fear . Published in the journal Behavioral Ecology, the... Andrew drew a wordless story about grief... ...Ryan Andrew drew a wordless story about grief and fear ...and overcoming those fears . Each part is linked to the next part of the stor... living without fear - and I mean any fear . That's what happened to a woman called S.M. whos... ...medical investigation on the brain's response to fearful stimuli:S.M. also had exposure to fearful situations in her past. She was h... you were to make a list of everything that... ...Rea created 7 by 3.5 meter mural filled with his fears : Rea keeps many lists. During his last year in... ...ars, I discovered like most people I had a lot of fears --after a few months, I began to catalog them: phy... ...r a few months, I began to catalo... link) An award-winning French film about Gary, who doesn't want to go through the door. -via Everlasting Blort... is the fear that a duck is watching you. The term was coined... ...ple. In these days of contextual advertising, the fear kids will find puppets funny, but not this ki... ...s got a severe form of pupaphobia (the irrational fear of puppets). I don't think he's making this up, a... I know people who have misophobia (irrational fear of dirt and germs), chemophobia (chemicals), and... ...uTube] - Thanks Juergen!Do you h...