Neatorama Posts Tagged "fear"
How Your Worst Fears Stack Up Against Reality

ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation) give...  ...are other things you can select as your top three fears , and the app will explain what your odds of dying...  ...spiders?Probably not. Most people with irrational fears are well aware that the object of their terror is...  ...likely to kill them. In fact...
Are Scientists Who Study Insects Afraid of Spiders?...

The following is an article from The Annals of Imp...  ...bscription now for only $25 a year!Research About Fear of Spiderscompiled by Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Imp...  ...entists study spiders, other scientists study the fear of spiders. Other scientists study still other sc... scientists study still other...
Fears Research

The following is an article from The Annals of Imp...  ...bscription now for only $25 a year!Research About Fearcompiled by Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Improbable Research st...  ...Here are three studies about particular causes of fear , and one study about a mechanical method of treat...  ...d one study about a me...
A Bump in the Night...

Yeti is in bed, all alone with his thoughts and feelings, yet he still must deal with both Heart and Brain. They usually have conflicting messages, but in this case they've ganged up on him for a night of no sleep. You c...
The Floating Skull...

Children know they can go to their parents for reassurance when they are frightened. Maybe it's not such a great idea to ask then to explain what they are frightened of. This is the latest comic from Chris Hallbeck at Ma...
Why is Being Scared So Fun?...

Thrill-seekers line up to see the latest scary movie, tour a haunted house, or ride a roller coaster. These same people would hate the idea of being the victim of an armed robbery. But some will step close to the edge of...
The Top 10 Fears of 2015

I always thought the most common fears were of dying and public speaking. But we have mo...  ...dom sample of 1,541 adults in America about their fears . They even provided a list of possible things peo... everything outside of government corruption is feared by a minorit...
The Owl Is Calm. Trust Us....

Nelly is an owl.Nelly has seen things.Nelly has seen terrible things.Nelly is calm. You must believe this to be true.Nelly appeared on an Australian TV news segment. A newscaster mentioned that she seemed very calm--righ...

We carry our fears around with us everywhere we go. They can hide in...  ...omfort us. Occasionally, experience brings us new fears . That’s the subtext of this animated video... should we fight or ignore the individual fears we carry, or are they something to...
Can You Be Scared To Death?...

[] (YouTube link)Gettin...  ...ake your heart race, but can it kill you? We know fear can save our lives, if it keeps us from doing som... from doing something dangerous, but should we fear our fear itself? AsapSCIENCE explains the mechanism an...

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