Are you tired of seeing posts about Trump and congress in your Facebook feed every day? Do you miss seeing cat videos and videos of your friend's babies? Don't worry, you don't need to ditch the social network all togeth... don't know about you guys, but I couldn't be more tired of hearing about Trump and everything else related to the post-election nightmare. One thing that can help ease the pain caused by politics is a picture of a cute... of hearing about Donald Trump? Whether you love or hate the man, there's no denying that there's just too much talk about him online right now. If you want to avoid the Trumping around the net, you can now install... other day I experimented with an upworthy headline just because I never wrote one. Immediately we received comments from a few people who said they stopped reading other sites for using those clickbait style headline... Girl, I heard you like Ryan Gosling. But if your REALLY like him, you wouldn't want to look at pictures of anything besides him. Fortunately, the Hey Girl Chrome extension does just that for you. In fact, here's a bi...