There are plenty of adages about how to be happy,... ...ou have." These can be boiled down to "lower your expectations ," which is a sure-fire way to make yourself feel... you ever had a truly wondrous New Year's Eve... ...secret to having a good New Year is to keep your expectations link)Max’s parents pulled the old bait-and-switch. They told him they were going to a broccoli farm, and at the last minute he found out that the trip was to the circus instead. You can’t blame the l... Expectations Sticky NotesDo your your sticky notes adequately... ...Ditch the boring and plain paper and get the Low Expectations Mean Everyone Ends Up Happy Sticky Notes from the... at Hyperbole and a Half relates four tales of something she did that turned out completely different from what she expected. At her expense. You can imagine they are all hilarious. Link...