[https://youtu.be/wx5Of3X-VJw] (YouTube link)After... ...akes it clear that he has given up on sharing his existential philosophy because no one one listened anyway. Fr...
https://www.neatorama.com/2018/05/19/Henri-Le-Chat-Noir-Says-Oh-Revoir/[https://youtu.be/txD_oVEuu44] (YouTube link)Henri... ...://youtu.be/txD_oVEuu44] (YouTube link)Henri, the existential cat , is earning a living for himself. Yes, this is an... ...r himself. Yes, this is an ad, for bacon-flavored cat food. Henri does a decent job of it, but you have...
https://www.neatorama.com/2015/03/18/Henri-Gets-Bacon/[http://youtu.be/OMOga8x6aLk] (YouTube link)Henri... ...p://youtu.be/OMOga8x6aLk] (YouTube link)Henri the Existential Cat lives a life filled with meaninglessness and ennu...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/12/30/Henri-Reigning-Cat-and-Dog/[http://youtu.be/mXfMWMTLgtI] (YouTube link)Henri... ...p://youtu.be/mXfMWMTLgtI] (YouTube link)Henri the Existential Cat muses on the false hope and disappointment of spr...
https://www.neatorama.com/2014/05/06/Henri-on-The-Blight-of-Spring/[http://youtu.be/itFKvtVt6YM] (YouTube link)Will B... ...Braden tells how his one-off film of a neighbor's cat for a school project turned into an internet phen... ...l project turned into an internet phenomenon. The cat Henri is really named Henry, and is an American cat
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/09/03/How-Henri-le-Chat-Noir-Became-a-Famous-Internet-Cat/[http://youtu.be/qgpRDLVAO1s] (YouTube link) Henri... ...://youtu.be/qgpRDLVAO1s] (YouTube link) Henri the Existential Cat has gone commercial. The less-than-frisky cat has been commissioned to do a series of videos on... ...has been commissioned to do a series of videos on cat...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/03/02/Henri-Gets-a-Job/[http://youtu.be/egtvaWzIh7o] (YouTube link)Henri... ...p://youtu.be/egtvaWzIh7o] (YouTube link)Henri the Existential Cat is having a Christmas filled with ennui, introspe...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/12/23/The-Worst-Nol/[http://youtu.be/R_fUsssnHPw] (YouTube link)Henri... ...p://youtu.be/R_fUsssnHPw] (YouTube link)Henri the Existential Cat shares his thoughts on Halloween. Yes, it's full...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/10/30/LHaunting/[http://youtu.be/CvQPzmoKuBk] (YouTube link) Henr... .../youtu.be/CvQPzmoKuBk] (YouTube link) Henri, the Existential Chat, weighs in with his opinion on politics. Tha...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/09/27/Henri-on-Politics/(YouTube link) Meet Anais Mittins. Le jeune fil... ...une fille chat is carrying a torch for Henri, the Existential Cat . This is her feline love letter. -via Buzzfeed