Death Comes Lifting is a unique gym in Pittsburgh,... of varying intensity levels and goals.Specific exercises may remind you of popular horror movies. One rout... wonderfully weird video is circulating the internet. It's been attributed to the Soviet Union and it definitely has a late Soviet vibe to it. YouTuber Doktor Uzo dates it so the 1990s and, since the USSR lasted unti...[] (YouTube link)Did you make a New year's Resolution to get in better shape during 2017? have you started yet? Or have you given up already? No matter, you'll still enjoy learning some trivia... SymGym)There's no need for a video game to... ...a complete workout. SymGym provides that with an exercise machine that controls a video game. Pump your arm... ...e, turn, dodge, punch, and more.There are already exercise platforms for video games, such as Kinect and Wii...[] (YouTube link)You k...] (YouTube link)You know you should exercise more, but you just don’t feel like it right... ...y people spend so much brain power trying to make exercise fun, different, or at least not as boring. And an... ...and sales go. We’... get the Hobie Mirage Eclipse. The premise for... that paddleboarding can be a vigorous form of exercise when users pedal stairs that flap fins on the bot...[]YouTube LinkIn an ex... ...rovides information on the importance of diet vs. exercise in that vein. It's not which is more beneficial,... do you get your face looking sharp and wrinkle-free? Back in the 90s, not everyone could afford facelifts like you kids these days. No, we only had Facercise. It's like bodybuilding for your face. Carole Maggio had m... newest edition of the Mode 100 Years series sh... ...Mode 100 Years series shows us what women wore to exercise in over the past century. The model is YouTube fi... ...the physical fitness gap. Most of us don’t exercise enough even now. -via Tastefully Offensive[]YouTube LinkHave you ever strayed into a gym just after January first, having sworn to make yourself not such a stranger there, only to be amazed and confused at the creatures that constantl...