Prom is considered a right of passage for many hum... The Washington Hilton.As is typical with these events , the female's stunning dresses and accessories re... week we went to visit The Rise of the Jack-O-Lanterns at the San Diego Safari Park. This incredible pumpkin-carving festival features over 5,000 pumpkins carved throughout the week so there are fresh ones on display... you know last Saturday was International Bacon Day? You would have if you went to the San Diego Baconfest that we previously wrote about. While they didn't feature any of the utterly insane bacon treats we wrote abou... you weren't already aware, it's time you should know that we here at Neatoama love bacon. In fact, we love bacon so much, we're thrilled to be attending a festival dedicated exclusively to the tasty meat. If you're as...'ve previously wrote about the fact that some of the coolest things to do during the San Diego Comic Con don't actually involve the convention at all. That's most certainly the case when it comes to the first night aft... and I recently went to Portland to check out the Wizard World there. What we didn't know is that the comic convention always lines up with the city's annual ChocolateFest -which seems appropriate since they no doubt... parks are a great place to celebrate specia... ...park. There are three officially sanctioned photo events , one in front of the castle, one in front of the... ...ncludes all number of subcultures and a number of events outside the park during that weekend, including a... ...nd occurs once a year at th...'ll be honest, I'm not a big fan of most haunted houses, and not because I don't like the idea, it's just that most are overwhelmingly cheesy with no story line, bad acting, half-assed sets and mediocre make up to boot....'ve got a fever and the only solution is 1,500 cowbells being played at once during the Bowie Baysox game -and that's only one of the weirdest baseball promotions from the year. Seriously, if anything, accountant night... was the first year that the WonderCon (Comic-Con's little sister) was held in Anaheim instead of San Francisco, unfortunately, that didn't mean that the weather was any better. In fact, it was pouring the better par...