As a general statement, it would be helpful if popular architecture made broader use of slides. Like batpoles, they're fun and convenient. Julijonas Urbonas, a Lithuanian architect known for his eccentric designs and art..., a staff writer for the Japanese division o... on a single level. Perhaps these shopping cart escalators are more common in densely-populated areas where... Trampe/CycloCable)Bike riding is very popular in Norway, especially in the city of Trondheim. But there's a steep hill in that city called the Brubakken that most bicyclists won't try to climb. It's just too ste... reminder: while on an escalator, stand on the right. If people want to pass you, they'll do so on the left. Yoni Alter, a Londoner, thinks these footprints would help educate tourists about Tube etiquette.Link -via Not...