Key West, Florida, has long been the home of quirk... shown here is for Thomas Romer, 1783-1891. The epitaph says he was a good citizen for 65 years. That's n... presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.(Image credit: Taph Madison)Death. The great equalizer.Life may be infinitely unfair, but in death, we'r... traditional headstone is a bit less wide than the grave, inscribed with the deceased’s name and dates of birth and death. Sometimes there is a short phrase or a symbol carved into it. But some headstones are so... my way up the Massachusetts. Had to stop en route to take a photo of the finest cat's grave I know of. If you want to know more about Dewey and other amazing felines of days gone by, I am doing a lecture tonight at Wo... Harband commissioned his own headstone ahead of time to be placed on his grave when he died. It was ready for him at Beth David Memorial Gardens in Hollywood, Florida. The inscription reads:My wife Eleanor Arthur... British photographer Rankin teamed up with Be... create a mesmerizing series of images entitled Epitaph the name hinted at the underlying theme but did n... Leslie Neilsen was known for his fart jokes. His gravestone, installed at Evergreen Cemetery in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has one. The quote says, "Let 'er rip." Which could mean Rest in Peace, but we all know what...