The following is an article from Uncle John's Endl... ...paring for the first ever balloon crossing of the English Channel . The one who financed the adventure was John Jeff... ...ose except to make the balloon look like a bird. CHANNEL SURFINGOnly a few miles into the crossing, it was... ...apparent that the... Jerome Dauffy wanted to build a flyin... ...France, and flew it to Dover, England, across the English Channel . The 36-mile flight came off without a hitch! Rea... Webb was born to swim, in a time and place... by an unsuccessful attempt to swim across the English Channel in 1872. Webb knew he could do it, and success wo... inventors are known for their wild ideas,... longest underwater tunnel, the one under the English Channel ", not to mention the mountains of red tape to wad... Croizon, 42, lost his arms and legs in an... ...that hasn't stopped him from swimming across the English Channel in 13 and a half hours: He had set off at 6.30... a page from Pixar's Up, American Jonathan T... ...nathan Trappe made a fantastic journey across the English Channel via helium balloons. Ultimately, his journey p...