The man calling himself the Eyeborg has put together a short documentary detailing modern bionics and cutting edge prosthetics, part of which was filmed using his eye camera. Rob Spence lost his eye in a firearm acci... you're upset about the state of education in America, here's a ray of hope in the form of a robotic hand. Created by Colorado high school student Easton LaChappelle, this mechanical marvel was ingeniously printed out... Link) In the future, dancing mini robots will initiate the robotic revolution against mankind! Well, maybe not, but this video demonstrates how they can be programmed to get down, Dance Dance Revolution style. Wa... at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory announced today that they have observed a rare property in a special class of metals called multiferroics: they have both magnetic and electr... at MIT have been busy creating all sorts of solar powered fun, but their latest innovation promises to make the solar panel manufacturing process easier than ever before. They have discovered a process in which... link) Bill Hammock, the Engineer Guy, tears a hard drive apart to show us what's inside and what the parts do. -Thanks, Bill!... is a great way to leave your mark on the world, but in some unfortunate circumstances, inventions have been known to leave the mark of death on their inventors. A few years ago, we wrote a post about five inven... the 1920s, architect Hermann Soergel had a wild idea to build a dam across the Strait of Gibraltar, drain water into the Sahara Desert, and form lots of new land in the Mediterranean basin to colonize. The master pla... link) Bill Hammack, the Engineer Guy, explains how a smoke detector works. It's pretty geeky, which makes me marvel at the people who designed these things. Smoke detectors are very handy! Every time ours g... like to think big. Some plan extremely big in order to take on projects like unlimited energy, room for a growing population, or settlements in outer space. Take, for example, Larry Niven's concept called Ringw...